651.383.1211 info@abkiosk.com

Coronavirus Update

Using Handheld Devices for PBTs?

Reduce Virus Transmission Risk By Switching to the AB Kiosk

If you’re using PBTs to conduct alcohol screening, you may be exposing your deputies, jail administrators, and screening population to unnecessary risks associated with coronavirus transmission. The AB Kiosk allows you to continue alcohol screening while also reducing the risk of person-to-person transmission of this and other viruses.

Each PBT screening event presents several opportunities for virus transmission:

  • when clients are assembled in the lobby awaiting their test
  • as the client is escorted through security, being searched and emptying pockets
  • when the deputy or administrator stands next to the client and has them blow into the device
  • when the deputy or administrator returns the PBT device to a desk or storage area
  • when the client is escorted out through security

Using the AB Kiosk eliminates each of these transmission points, and could reduce the risk of introducing the coronavirus or flu virus into your jail or courthouse:

  • the Kiosk can invite clients to test at 10-minute intervals to avoid crowding in your lobby
  • there is no need to bring anyone through security
  • each alcohol screening takes less than 60 seconds and requires no human interaction
  • the single-use straws used for the test are individually wrapped and are immediately discarded after use
  • an onscreen prompt reminds clients to wash their hands before and after using the Kiosk

Protect Your Probation Staff and Clients –

Reduce the Risk of Coronavirus Transmission By Letting the AB Kiosk Coordinate and Conduct Check-ins with Low-Risk Clients

If you’re worried about protecting your probation staff from the coronavirus, the AB Kiosk could be an ideal solution. The AB Kiosk will enable your low-risk probation clients to remotely conduct probation check-ins without the need for face-to-face meetings with their probation officers. Not only could this reduce the opportunities for person-to-person transmission of the virus, but it will also reduce the caseloads of your probation officers and enable them to focus greater attention on their higher risk probation clients.

The typical probation check-in process presents several opportunities for coronavirus transmission:

  • In the lobby as clients await their meetings
  • During the meeting and interview process as they meet with POs
  • During PBT screenings, when required

Alternatively, the AB Kiosk system can seamlessly handle all the routine check-in tasks that typically consume a probation officer’s time:

  • Set client check-in schedules to meet probation requirements
  • Notify probation clients via texts and emails to check-in using a Kiosk
  • Use biometric fingerprint authentication to confirm the client’s identity
  • Capture photos and video of each check-in
  • Deliver questions to a probation client and upload his or her responses
  • Issue a time-stamped receipt to the client
  • Notify the probation officer of the completed check-in
  • Alert the probation officer when a check-in is missed
  • Automatically update the client’s records, including any changes in address, employment and participation in mandated treatment programs

By using the AB Kiosk for low-risk clients, probation officers are also able to separate high- and low-risk clients, which prevents negative interactions between these groups. Operating without any direct supervision, the Kiosk can conduct up to 30 check-ins per hour.

Cleaning Your AB Kiosk

All AB Kiosks now display this message on their touchscreens:

Precision Kiosk Technologies also recommends these simple steps to clean your Kiosk:

  • Use a Windex Original Wipe or equivalent product to clean the touchscreen of the Kiosk four times a day
  • Wipe down the case of the Kiosk 3x a week with Windex Original Wipes
  • If available, place a Purell hand sanitizer dispenser stand near the Kiosk. Refill as needed.
  • Empty the trash bin used for discarded straws and wrappers twice a day